Friday, November 14, 2008

Fresh Poetry

At, Annac writes about how enticing it is to write a fresh poem on a fresh, clean, crisp piece of paper. I share with you this poem that made me grab a tea kettle and my good china teacups.

For you,I tolerate clichés and
and the wary words of warning
that prelude your poetry
,these bashful bouts of modesty
show their face only in times like these

and I’ll missthe feel of a fresh poem
scribbled onto the fresh pages
of your impossibly neat
first drafts
raw and ready for my
subjective scrutiny

soon, you’ll be downfurther and farther
from the temperamental weather of
New England and New Me
and you’ll claim home
where the heat is
where the sun will melt you
slick onto pages
and you’ll mix with ink
and paint the most beautiful verses

maybe, they’ll go unread
or maybe, be offered as gifts
for older-than-these birthdays
but those new odesto whoever feeds your fervor
won’t meet me,
and you’ll never know
which words sparked my fancy
and which I’d demand you erase

and I’ll miss
our harmonies,
your first draft fresh poems,
the anticipation of
the secret we’ll share
in the pleasant surprises
of our loveliest lines

Was this not just enticing?

I anticipate reading this my the fire sipping my tea
or eating fresh biscuits.

Fresh is good!

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